
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Medieval Love

~+~Chapter 1~+~
It was a warm day as the local villagers started their morning duties. As the village market began setting up their stands, Lady Susan walked to the local church for daily worship. Now the royal family consisted of the king, queen, their son (Lord Nicholas), and their two daughters (Lady Susan and Lady Jizel). The royal family sat down for breakfast as the royal cook placed on the table the following: eggs, bacon, pancakes, and biscuts with gravy, as well as apple, orange and grapefruit juice. The king sat at the head of the banquet table with the queen to his right and Nick to his left. Jizel sat next to the queen leaving an empty seat next to Nick for Susan.

After worship Lady Susan walked through the market where she saw a knight purchasing some apples. As she approached the Stand she saw a shadow approach her from behind. The knight saw the vendors face go from a smile to shock as the shadowy figure grabbed Lady Susan.

"Aaaagh!" she cried.

"Silence wench!" the man exclaimed.

"Unhand her!" Lord Jason Markington exclaimed as he drew his sword.

Lady Susan fell silent as she felt a knife against her throat.

"Make one move and she dies." the man spat.

Meanwhile back at the castle.

"Where is Lady Susan?" the queen asked a servant.

"She went to the market, my lady." the servant said.

"Grammarcy Rose." Queen Montez replied.

A ring at the castle door was heard as James, the king's advisor, answered the door to see Lady Jizel's boyfriend Robert. As Robert entered the castle Nick scowled and ran out the front door to the market.

"Anon Robert. I forgot I was needed at the church this morning. Pray ye come too." Nick said as he ran.

"James, pray ye tell Lady Jizel that I went to assist Lord Nicholas." Robert said as he followed Nick.
Lady Susan smiled at Jason and winked at him. She then stomped on her assailant's foot which caused him to drop the knife and release her. As she moved towards Jason she grabbed her sword and spun around. As she spun she unsheathed her own sword and saw her brother and Robert running towards the church.

"By order of the royal family I sentence ye to..." Susan began.

"Death?" the man asked.

Nick saw Susan and he stopped Robert. They drew their swords and advanced on the man. Susan approached Jason and the clerk as she smiled at them.

"Are ye okay Lady Susan?" Jason asked.

Susan nodded her head, "Aye, Grammarcy."

Jason and Susan sheathed their swords as Nick and Robert arrested her captor. Susan purchased two dozen apples and a loaf of bread. As she paid twenty dollops Jason and Nick took the apples. Susan took the bread and followed Robert and the assailant back to the castle. After giving the food to the cook Susan and Jason followed Nick to the king's court.

"What is the meaning of this?" the king asked.

"My Lord, this man attacked Lady Susan at the market." Jason said.

"Tis true father." Nick replied.

Susan felt a piece of parchment being placed into her left hand. She glanced at Jason before tucking the note away and moving her right hand to touch, where the knife had been pressed hard enough on, her throat. She felt pain and it was enough pain to make her faint.

"Guards! Send this man to the dungeons!" the king said angrily.

"Let me lean on you for support. I feel faint." Susan whispered to Jason.

The guards advanced on Jason as Susan fell forward. Jason quickly went to move to let her fall into his arms, but two guards stood in his way. As Nick caught his sister the guards took Jason and Mark to the dungeons.

~+~Chapter 2~+~
Nick laid Susan on the cool marble ground. King Montez was already at his daughter's side, as Robert returned.

"What happened?" the king asked.

"Lack of nourishment, sir. She went to worship without food. I saw her at the market with the knight and the man Robert brought in. Perchance 'tis fate the knight was there?" Nick said.

"Aye, release the knight. He was saving Lady Susan." Robert spoke up as he joined the three.

"Nay. Poison hath touched her lips." King Montez said.

"Nay father. Look hither." Nick heard Susan say, as she removed her hand to reveal the knife mark.

The king looked at the impression left by the knife. Susan opened her eyes and sat up against her brother. The cook brought Susan an apple and water. The queen and Lady Jizel followed the cook with platters of sandwiches and goblets of water.

"Grammarcy, Julie. Nick, Robert grammarcy too. Where doth my savior?" Susan asked.

"Father sent him to the dungeons." Jizel said.

"Wherefore!" Susan spat angrily.

As the guards returned Susan searched frantically for Jason.

"Both the knight and the prisoner are in different cells." Raul said.

"Tomorrow the kingdom will host a tournament." the king said.

"He was helping me father! Wherefore doth this knight in jail? Release him, prithee." Susan said as she began to cry.

"Madame, Lord Markington is in the medical ward. He was injured during the struggle. I'm sorry Lady Susan. Pray ye forgive us." Raul said.

"Tis okay Raul. Brother, pray ye escort me to the infirmary." Susan said as she stood up and took two sandwiches and two more apples.

Nick grabbed three goblets of water and followed Susan to the infirmary. Jizel and Robert followed the king and queen to the dining hall for the e'ens dessert. As the nurse left the room Nick handed Jason the goblet of water and Susan gave him a sanwich. Jason hugged Lady Susan and gave Nick a nod.

"Are ye okay?" Nick asked.

"Fine brother Nicholas." Jason replied.

"Thank-you for everything, Lord uh..." Susan began saying.

"Lord Jason Markington, but you may call me Jason, Lady Susan." Jason said after eating the sandwich and sipping his water.

Susan tossed Nick an apple and gave him the sandwich as she took the goblet of water. Nick caught the apple in his mouth. Jason and Susan laughed as Nick gave them a wink. He then took the food to the dungeons for the prisoner.

"Who goes there?" the man asked.

"Your food slimebag!" Nick said after spitting the apple at him.

Nick then gave him the sandwich and water. The man sat on the ground and ate the food. Nick began to leave and return to the infirmary, but the man stopped him.

"Am I going to die?" he asked.

Nick grew angry as he slammed his right hand against the bars and stormed back to the man.

"Do you have any idea who you tried to kill?" he asked.

"Nay, I didn't know that it was your sister!" the man cried.

"Silence!" Raul yelled.

Nick and the prisoner fell silent as Raul approached them. Nick inclined his head as the prisoner shrank back into the shadows of his cell.

"Doth your name?" Raul asked.

"I am just a mere peasant and my name is Mark." the man said.

"Mark, there is a tournament tomorrow. You will have special treatment and you will get to be my sister's bodyguard during events and outings. Release him Raul." Lady Jizel said as she approached Nick.

"Sister has fallen asleep in the infirmary with the knight. Robert is guarding them." Jizel whispers to Nick as Mark is released.

They all return to the meeting hall where the king and queen are waiting. Robert watches Nick approach him as the group passes by. Jason stirs as Susan wakes up to check on him.

"I'm fine Lady Susan. Prithee, let me rest for the tournament tomorrow." Jason said.

"Just checking to see if you are okay." she replied.

Nick relieved Robert and checked in on Susan. Robert joined Jizel and they watched as the peasant named Mark was officially made Lady Susan's bodyguard. Susan nuzzled Jason's neck as she hugged him gently. Jason wrapped his arms around her and they slept for a few hours.

The next morning Jason awoke to the sound of armor. Susan had brought him breakfast and a necklace of a golden Celtic cross with a purple stone in the middle. The armor that was laying on the chair was an emerald green. Susan was in her chambers next door to the infirmary. She was wearing an emerald green dress and her blonde hair was shoulder length in curls. Lord Robert and Lady Jizel are both wearing red outfits and Lord Nicholas is wearing a blue outfit. Susan walked from the dining hall to the infirmary. She knocks on the door and waits to enter.

"Enter Lady Susan." Jason said.

Susan entered the room to see Jason in the uniform she had just shined.

"Are ye nervous? The necklace has always been a good luck charm for me, so I am giving it to you." she said as she helped him put it on.

"Thank-you, my lady. I will be honored to fight for you." Jason said as he turned to face her.

Jason kissed Susan's right hand before giving her a hug.

"Promise me if you win that we can spar." Susan said as she hugged him.

"I promise I won't back down and I will give it my all, just for you. This tournament means nothing to me. You are my world and I love you." he replied.

"I will be with you every step of the way. I love you too." she said.

As they left the infirmary Susan saw Nick leaning against the opposite wall. He was waiting for Jason and Robert.

"Big brother...w-w-wherefore ye here?" Susan asked.

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